Ok, so I sent my resume off to a company yesterday afternoon around 3:30. I got a call back around 6:10 but we weren't home and didn't get home until almost midnight. So called the woman back this morning, she was tied up and had to call me back. About 5 minutes later she did so and she asked questions and I answered said questions for about 10 minutes. At the end she asked me to come in for an interview. It's at 2pm. Wish me luck.
I'll up date later and let you all know how it went.
Goodness gracious!! Two hour interview!! First off, that's a long ass drive, 25 miles. But it's an easy drive. It's basically one road the whole way so it's not too bad, about a 45 minute drive. Secondly, I'm scared people, scared I tell you. I've never worked in a company that had more than 7 people in the office. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many people are at this place, they're fuckin' huge!
The lady I talked to this morning is the one who first met me, she took me into the Atrium Conference Room. Since we had already had our phone interview she said she would go get the comptroller for me to meet. He came in, she left, and we talked for about 10-15 minutes. He then took me upstairs to Conference Room #2 where I sat for a good 10-15 minutes while he went to go get an Accounts Project Manager. She came in and we met for another 10-15 minutes. After they left he left me alone in that room for another 5 minutes. Then he came back to get me to take me to meet the owners. Talked with them and the 1st lady again for about 20 minutes or so. Then they told him to show me around the place, which is quite large. After he took me back to the original conference room. Told me to have a seat while he called back up to the owners. I was in there almost 10 minutes before he came back in to say the one owner that he needed to talk to was on a conference call. So we talked for a couple more minutes while he waited for that guy to get off the phone. Then his cell phone rang and he stepped out for a bit longer. Then came back in to say the owner would be on that call for quite awhile longer. Said they would make a decision in the next day or so and he'd let me know.
One of the good things about it is that they were actually done interviewing. They had seen quite a few people and had about 3 of them come back for second interviews but when he saw my resume and all the construction experience I have it "intrigued" him. So he immediately showed it to all the people I met today and they agreed to have me come in.
So anyway, I feel confident about my ability to do the job, it's nothing I haven't done before it's just on a much larger scale. I haven't even been offered the job but I'm freaking out about it. As I said, I'm just not used to having to work at such a large office and it's scaring me. But HD is being a great guy and telling me that I'll do just fine and I'll be kicking butt. So hopefully I'll hear one way or the other in the next couple of days.
congrats and good luck! I'm sure you'll do well. To gt a call back that quickly is a very good sign.
Thanks ya'll. I'll be leaving here in about 15 minutes to head on out there. It's a bit of drive, unfortunately, but if the pay is good it'll be worth it.
I'll keep ya posted.
45 min is my commute but I just have to sit on the el and not pay any attention to anything. It sounds as if it went quite well. Keep us posted! And don't forget to send your thank you letters!!!
45 min is my commute but I just have to sit on the el and not pay any attention to anything. It sounds as if it went quite well. Keep us posted! And don't forget to send your thank you letters!!!
Oh I wish there was a train that would take me out there but alas, it's heading to McHenry so it's west of me and no train goes that way.
Yeah, I was already thinking about the thank you letters as I was heading out the door.
Katrina, thanks for the very sweet words you left on my blog regarding my dad.
Best of luck! I hope you get the job!
Your welcome. I just couldn't believe that the first time you came to my blog I was talking about a death in the family and the first time I go to yours you are too. Very sad for both of us.
Thanks. I'm starting to wonder though, do I really want this job or not. But I think it's just that I really and truly am freaking out about the size of the place. It would be so damn new to me. Not to mention the volume. Ugh!
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