Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Update 12/3-5/10

So let's see, we had a pretty busy 3 days this weekend.

Friday HDT had to watch his niece Kylie while Jess had to work. They were watching Labyrinth when I got home. Ever since I played that for her, after she told me she didn't like even though she'd never seen it, she's wanted to watch it every time she comes over. She calls it the movie with the baby. After that ended HDT put Happy Feet in but she didn't care much about that one. She'd look every now and then but mostly she was either drawing a picture for Jess or playing doctor on my leg. She kept giving me shots and transferring blood. Jess got there at the end of it and bundled her up to get picked up by her dad.

Jess stayed over after Kylie left discussing some things and at some point Jim called to see what we were doing and HDT told him not much so invited him over to watch a movie. Since Jess and HDT never got to Star Wars: Return of the Jedi the other day she decided to stick around and we watched that. Afterward she took off and I went to bed not long after. Not sure what HDT and Jim did, probably played X-Box or WOW.

Saturday I got up a little after 9:00 or so and took my soak while reading. HDT woke up right at the end of it and so after I finished up I made us some breakfast. Made bacon and scrambled eggs. YUM! We watched some dvr'd shows while eating. Just before 1:00 I told him we had to start getting ready to head out to go get our Christmas Tree. It had started snowing just after midnight and we already had a couple inches by this time so we had to get his Jeep uncovered and the sidewalk shoveled before we left and he still needed to get ready. By the time we got ready, the sidewalk cleared, his jeep uncovered he was wanting to do the driveway as well. I huffed and puffed because it was now almost 1:30 and we still hadn't left yet.

But it didn't take him long to do it and while he was I had to go look for the twine and his winter hat. Couldn't find the twine anywhere and the only hat I could find that would cover his ears was a spiderman hat. I figured he could turn it inside out. Turns out he couldn't cause the tag was huge and we had nothing to cut it off with, besides with all the stitching it didn't look so good that way anyway. We also couldn't find his saw so on the way out we stopped at Ace to get all three. We finally made it out to the tree farm around 3:00. I was worried that they'd be closed since it was snowing so hard for awhile there. But they weren't but luckily they weren't really busy either.

We went through all their fields but one looking for just the right tree. I didn't want a real fat one and he didn't want a real tall one, not that we could go tall anyway since our basement ceiling isn't very high. Anyway, we found one at the 1st field that wasn't too bad, right height and width but there were a couple holes that I didn't care for too much. So we moved on. The next field only had a few trees but nothing that was really ready to go so we moved on. As we were heading to the next field a family was heading back the way we came without a tree. I was worried they'd snatch our tree back there but since we still had a couple more fields to look at I figured we'd find something. So, the next field did have another decent tree but still it didn't say "this is it" to me so we moved onto the last field. We looked at one and then decided to see if there was yet another field because into the woods was another trail. On our way to it I spied another tree. I was a little worried because it was pretty fat but the shape with all the snow on it looked good. So after we shook all the snow off and walked around I said, "yep, this is it." And HDT says that it's fat and he thought I didn't want fat but I told him that apparently it didn't matter. This was the one I liked, I just have to deal with it.

So he cut it down and we hauled it back. It was not a lite tree, no sirree. But it sure is pretty. After stopping a couple times to readjust and get a breather we finally made it back to the main area. We had them bundle it up and then chose a precut tree that was $35.00 for Jim. We decided that could be his Christmas gift. It's a nice one, Balsam, nice and dark green and in good shape. Hope his girls like it.

I called Jim on the way home to ask him to come over to help HDT with our tree while I got the stand ready to go. Didn't tell him about the tree, we wanted that to be a surprise. So they transferred his tree to his car and the prepared our tree while I found and cleaned out the stand and got a pitcher of water to go. Got in the stand and put some towels down to catch all the snow that had turned to ice on the trip home as it melted. Once again, that is one fat tree!

HDT had to go to Best Buy for something so Jim went with him. On their way home they picked up dinner from Chili's and while eating we watched Predators (2010) since none of saw it when it was in the theaters. It wasn't bad, we'd all like to see a sequel if they're gonna do one. We watched some of the extras and then Jim mentioned how watching the extras and the people mentioning the original one made him want to watch it again. HDT said the same so we put that in but I didn't make it too far in to it, got real tired real quick. So I left them watching it and went to bed.

Sunday we got up pretty late but again I was up before him so took my Sunday morning bath while reading again. I set a time for an hour so I don't over do it. HDT got up about 35 minutes in and I was just finishing a chapter so I went ahead and put the book down and washed up. He was downstairs by the time I got out of the bathroom so I started the oven for some food and we prepared to watch the pregame stuff until the Saints game started at noon.

That game was a real fight. Although the Bengels have been in every game they've played it still shouldn't have been such a struggle. We barely won that game and only because of the "trick" of pulling them offsides. But a win is a win and we'll take it. I certainly hope they find their groove before all the division games get going.

After the game we decided to head over to a Christmas ornament store in the mall to see what they had. HDT was wanting to get LED lights for the tree since none of ours are plus we wanted to see what ornaments they had. We got one that was a miniature pincher holding a ribbon that we had Merry Christmas 2010 put on. We'll be giving that to Jim's girls. We also found some bird ornaments that we'll be giving to my mom. Her favorite is a blue bird and Les' was the wood duck, luckily they had both. HDT thought it'd be nice to honor him in some way and since they love(d) to watch the birds and ducks in their yard it was only fitting. We also got some icicle and snow flake ornaments for our tree.

But they didn't have any lights so we headed over to Target to get those. Got a few other things and then picked up some Chinese food for dinner and headed home. Of course by the time we finished eating neither of us felt like decorating the tree. So we finished watching the Tampa Bay/Atlantic game cheering for TB all the way. But unfortunately they lost. The Saints really could have used a win by TB but oh well.

After that we got about an hour into the UFC fights that had been recorded the night before when HDT started to fall asleep. So we headed upstairs just after 8:00 and he was asleep before 8:30. I was reading and by 9:30 was starting to feel pretty darn tired myself. Was asleep by 10:00 and of course woke up at 3:00 and couldn't fall back asleep for anything. Dozed on and off until his alarm went off and then finally after he had left the room to get ready I actually did fall asleep for most of the time left before my alarm went off.

So I nice busy and relaxing weekend.

Media quote of the day: From Predator (2010)

What happened to you? What made you so fucked up? - Isabelle
"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man. And those who've hunted armed men long enough, and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Royce
That's pretty poetic. Did you come up with that all by yourself? - Isabelle
No, actually. That was Hemingway. - Royce

A whole helluva lot of the dialog was pretty cheesy but it was still a pretty fun movie to watch. This exchange was one of the better ones.

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